Monday, July 23, 2012

Here is an expert of one of Buck Williams articles.

Many are looking for the cause behind the world wide disappearances. One personal said “This is nothing more than Karma; the bad people have gotten their due. We, the good in heart, shall stay and remain and live in harmony.” Not all believe that though. One source believes that aliens are to blame. “Aliens, not those little green people, no sophisticated ones, with weapons, and nuclear. They sought out those with a common factor. Maybe it was blood type, or it was IQ. Why the babies were taken, well I guess we can never know. Maybe they were taken for servants of the aliens. “
Another recourse believes that Christ Jesus has come back for his own. “It was the Rapture” he says “Christ came back for the Christians. The small children were taken because they are too young to understand. What comes next is a hard time. An evil leader will rise, and there will be seven years of pain and death. We must all believe in Christ, it is our only hope.” That man’s wife also believed that, and she disappeared.
All know that Nicolae Carpathia, and his crew believe that is was nuclear radation. And that merely the bad are gone now, and we shall have a peaceful time now that they are gone. They have told us that we have nothing to worry about.
Many people believe that it was merely a wiping away of the bad people, but weather there will be more to disappear, we do not know. What comes next is also unknown, but for now we must all band together and be strong.
-Cameron Williams, Global Weekly

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