Thursday, December 20, 2012

The End of the World?

Hey guys. A lot of people think that the world is gonna end tomorrow either by an earthquake, a comet or a biblical terms. But how true is this??? Well, lets look to the Bible.
  • First, the Bible says that the beginning of the end will start will the Rapture, which will then usher in the Tribulation. The Tribulation will be followed by the Glorious Appearing, the Millennium and then Finally the New Jerusalem.
  • The Bible says no man knows when the Rapture will happen.
  • We are warned not to be deceived by false prophets that call for the end of the world. Don`t be deceived!!
And now lets see why the world has said why the end of the world is not tomorrow

  • Scientist said that if a comet was hurdling towards earth, and had a big enough size to destroy earth, it would have been spotted by now.
  • There has been about 514 Leap Years sense Cesar created 45BC. Without an extra day every 4 years it would be July 28, 2013. The Mayan Calender didn't count leap years so technically world should have ended 7 months ago
What do you think? Don`t be scared! Don`t be deceived! God is still in control!


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